Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg

Grants for startups and SMEs developing cybersecurity solutions

The Ministry of the Economy, the National Cybersecurity Competence Center and Luxinnovation have launched a call for cybersecurity projects. Deadline: 15 July.

This first call for projects falls under a new funding scheme tagged the Cybersecurity Innovation & Development Funding Programme (LU-CID-FP). It is aimed at Luxembourg SMEs and start-ups looking to create innovative cybersecurity tools and services and introduce new types of solutions to the Luxembourg market. Its objectives are the following:
  • Support the development of start-ups in the field of cybersecurity through the creation of technical or non-technical solutions.
  • Promote the creation or growth of local businesses developing affordable evaluation and testing services.
  • Support the implementation of cybersecurity services with a sustainable open-source model.
  • Promote the development of innovative approaches to improve the cybersecurity skills of SMEs.

With a budget of €720,000, selected projects by micro and small enterprises could receive a grant of up to 80% of the project costs, while medium-sized businesses are funded up to 70%. The maximum grant amount is set at €60,000. Companies must send in their proposals by 15 July. The awarded projects must be implemented within a 6 months’ timeframe.

This scheme is co-funded under the European Commission’s Digital Europe programme. Projects will be financed via the support mechanism for research and development (R&D) projects.

Companies who are interested can get in touch with National Cybersecurity Competence Center and Luxinnovation for guidance and assistance in setting up the project.

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