Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg
Fit 4 AI
Use artificial intelligence to grow your business

Identify how AI can help you generate value from your own vast amounts of information and use it to create value through your products, services, or business models.

Do you want to know how to use artificial intelligence efficiently and securely? 

When used wisely, the power of AI can provide many benefits: productivity gains, the improvement of decision-making processes, production, energy and resource management, etc. However, implementing AI tools can be challenging not only from a technological point of view, but also humanly and organisationally.

Fit 4 AI offer you the opportunity to collaborate with an experienced consultant who, together with you, will define the challenges you face, your objectives and your priority development action(s). You will also carry out a feasibility analysis of pre-selected use cases, in particular through the qualitative and quantitative analysis of available internal data.

The consultant will draw up a roadmap including a detailed action plan including cost estimates for material investments, the choice of an AI solution (generic or tailor-made) and an estimate of the return on investment.

​Become a ​Fit 4 AI consultant

Are you familiar with corporate audit methodology, as well as one or more project management methods? Do you have specific skills in the digitalisation of operations and data analytics? Can you prove that you have at least three years' experience in carrying out such assignments? Apply now to become a Fit 4 AI consultant!

Who can benefit

The program is intended for companies that meet the following cumulative criteria:

  • Be a small or medium-sized company 
  • Have their registered office in Luxembourg
  • Carry out an economic activity as their main purpose
  • Not be in a situation of financial difficulty as of the date of the last closed financial year
  • Hold a valid business license issued by the Ministry of the Economy

Benefit from Fit 4 AI

Get in touch to initiate your participation request. 
Contact us

Benefit from Fit 4 AI

    • Contact Luxinnovation to choose the referenced consultant with whom you would like to cooperate. 
    • Fill out and submit the online form at any time of the year.
    • Receive feedback from Luxinnovation. We will review your request and validate it once all eligibility criteria are fulfilled.
    • Send your signed grant application to the Ministry of the Economy.
    • Start the in-depth analysis of your company together with the consultant. The analysis can start as soon as the Ministry of the Economy receive your application.
    • Receive your personalised action plan. Based on the analysis, the consultant will put together an action plan including cost estimates with recommended measures for your company. The plan will be validated by Luxinnovation.
    • Request the payment of the public subsidy covering the consultancy costs for the analysis.
Fit 4 AI
Benefit from Fit 4 AI 

Get in touch to discuss your participation. 

consultants Fit 4 Digital
Are you an experienced consultant?
If you have specific skills in the digitalisation of operations and data analytics, consider becoming a consultant.

Consult the specifications of the Fit 4 AI programme.

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