The Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Digital Innovation Hub: Test before invest

Test digital tools before investing

Work with partners to test new digital tools and make sure that they fully fit your requirements before investing.

Are you considering investing in digital tools and technologies?

Choosing the right digital tools is not always an easy task. What technology is the most relevant one for my company? What if we invest in a solution and realise later that it is not fully adapted to our activities? These and other questions can sometimes block or delay a company’s digital transformation.

Our “test before invest” service helps you overcome this hurdle. Together with our partners in the private and research sectors, we offer you the opportunity to test digital technologies and digital tools for a limited amount of time before making any kind of binding commitment. Once you determine whether or not the tested solutions are right for you, you can take an informed decision about investing. 

Key benefits

The “test before invest” service offers the following advantages:

  • Opportunity to take the first steps in your digital journey without immediately having to make any long-term commitment
  • Access to a diverse range of digital tools and services, which increases the flexibility and adaptability of your digitalisation process
  • Partnership approach ensuring that the tools and technologies made available for testing are up-to-date and tailored to the evolving needs of your business

Who can benefit?

The Digital Innovation Hub “test before invest” service is available to all companies looking to accelerate their digital transformation by exploring the potential of new digital tools and technologies. 

To pinpoint your specific digital needs and identify the relevant digital services or solutions to “test before invest”, you first need to do our initial digital maturity assessment.

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